ECOCLIMAP-II: An ecosystem classification and land surface parameters database of Western Africa at 1 km resolution for the African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis (AMMA) project

Abstract This work is devoted to a presentation of the ECOCLIMAP-II database for Western Africa, which is an upgrade for this region of the former initiative, ECOCLIMAP-I, implemented at global scale. ECOCLIMAP-II is a dual database at 1-km resolution that comprises an ecosystem classification and a coherent set of land surface parameters. This new physiographic information (e.g. leaf area index, fractional vegetation cover, albedo and land cover classification), was especially developed in the framework of the African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis (AMMA) programme in order to support the modelling of land–atmosphere interactions, which stresses the importance of the present study. Criteria for coherence between prevalent land cover classifications and the analysis of time series of the satellite leaf area index (LAI) between 2000 and 2007 constitute the analysis tools for setting up ECOCLIMAP-II. The LAI and inferred fraction of vegetation cover are spatially distributed per land cover unit. The fraction of vegetation cover is handled to split the land surface albedo into vegetation and bare soil albedo components, as is required for a large number of applications. The new ECOCLIMAP-II land cover product is improved with regard to the spatial coherence compared to former version. The reliability of the physiographic details is also confirmed through verification with land cover products at higher resolution.

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