Localization Experiments Using Different 2D Ambisonics Decoders (Lokalisationsversuche mit verschiedenen 2D Ambisonics Dekodern)

This study presents the results from localization experiments of virtual sound sources using a 12 channel, nearly circular 2D Ambisonics system. The perceived direction of the sound and a subjective rating of the localiz ation accuracy has been assigned to each virtual source. As playback methods, Ambisonics decoders with different order and spatial smoothing (basic, max rE, in-phase) are evaluated. In each case, the evaluation has been carried out over two listening positions: within and outside the Ambisonics listening area. The analysis shows the reproduction accuracy of different Ambisonics variants within the studied playback situation, and allows for comparison. Furthermore, the test includes an investigation concerning the presence of a compensation of loudspeaker signal delays to the center.