Internet-specific parental self-efficacy: Developmental differences and links to Internet-specific mediation

Abstract Most children spend significant time on the Internet every day, and parents have an important role in helping their children to avoid negative online experiences. In this study, we examine the potential role of Internet-specific parental self-efficacy (Internet-specific PSE) as an antecedent for Internet-specific parenting practices. A study of 1025 parents of children in grades 6 (approximately 11–12 years) to 12 (approximately 17–18 years) allowed us to examine the links among Internet-specific PSE, the child's grade in school, and Internet-specific parenting practices. The results showed developmental decreases in Internet-specific PSE and Internet-specific parenting practices: Parents of older adolescents felt less efficacious and used less control-based parenting practices than did parents of younger adolescents. Furthermore, Internet-specific PSE was a significant predictor of Internet-specific parenting practices (both communication-based and control-based practices). These results suggest the importance of both parental beliefs and children's grade in school for parenting in the area of children's online activities.

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