Impulsively loaded circular plates

Ahatraet-The dynamic behaviour of elastic-plastic circular plates, with deflections in the range where both bending moments and membrane forces are important, is investigated. The formulation is restricted to two dimensional and axisymmettic responses. The effect of shear deformations, rotary inertia and material strain rate sensitivity is not considered. The equations of motion are solved for small deformations from the initial flat configuration of the plate. The inthrence of the curvature of the deformed surface, on the ensuing deformations is considered by ~n~p~~g that the successive defo~ations take place wt.t. the convected axes. Thus, a kinematically admissible velocity field compatible with the aforementioned solution is used for predicting the response of the plate to large deformations. The superposition of the successive increments in displacement and strain is carried out by referring each to the ftxed global axes. Using this technique, the deformed shape of the plate and the initial velocity as a function of central deflection are computed and compared with the corresponding experimental findings.