Digital Control Using Digital Signal Processing

1. Introduction to Digital Control Using Digital Signal Processing. Background. Digital Control versus Analog Control. Classical Control versus Modern Control. Design Process Overview. Role of DSPs in Control System Designs. CAE Tools. Summary. 2. Mathematical Methods of Discrete Systems. Introduction. Difference Equations. Unit Pulse Response and Discrete Convolution. The z-Transform. Discrete System Transfer Function. Frequency Response. Relationship Between the s and z Domains. Summary. Problems. 3. Analysis of Discrete Systems. Introduction. Sampled-Data Systems. State-Variable Methods. Nonlinear Discrete Systems. Stability Analysis. Sensitivity Analysis. Summary. Problems. 4. Design of Digital Control Systems. Introduction. Control System Design Parameters. Conventional Design Tools. Compensation. Summary. Problems. 5. DSPs in Control Systems. Introduction. Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing. Single-Chip DSPs. Applications of DSPs in Control Systems. Summary. Problem. 6. Modern Design Techniques and Their Applications. Introduction. Controllability and Pole-Placement. Observability and State Estimation. Linear Quadratic Optimal Design. Fuzzy Logic Control. Summary. Problems. Appendix A. The MATRIXx and MATLAB Design and Analysis Software. MATRIXx. MATLAB. Appendix B. DSPACE. DSP-CITpro/eco Products from dSPACE. Appendix C. Tables of Transforms. Table of z-Transforms. Table of Laplace Transforms. Appendix D. Partial-Fraction Expansion Method. Appendix E. Matrix Analysis. Appendix F. Motion Controller Boards. PMAC-STD 32. STD/DSP Series. Appendix G. Sample DSP Programs. Assembly Code for the Torque Loop of Example 5.1. DSP16 Code for the Adaptive Servo Controller of Example 5.3. Appendix H. Computer Architecture. Index.