Prospects for influencing scattering lengths with far-off-resonant light
We explore a recent proposal @Fedichevet al., Phys. Rev. Lett.77, 2913 ~1996!# for altering the mean interaction strength between ultracold atoms using an appropriately detuned laser. Although care must be taken to minimize laser-driven loss processes, we find large ranges of intensities and detunings where useful changes might be affected. Accordingly, we present simple formulas for the effects of laser light that should prove useful in designing specific experiments. We demonstrate the validity of these formulas by comparison with exact close-coupling models. In particular, we find that useful changes of the mean-field interaction require sufficiently high laser intensities that the rate of laser-induced stimulatedemission exceeds the natural spontaneousemission rate. @S1050-2947 ~97!08308-X#