Aerodynamic shape optimization directed toward a supersonic transport using sensitivity analysis

DEPARTMENT OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERINGCOLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOLD DOMINION UNIVERSITYNORFOLK, VIRGINIA 23529AERODYNAMIC SHAPE OPTIMIZATION DIRECTEDTOWARD A SUPERSONIC TRANSPORT USING SENSITIVITYANALYSISByOktay Baysal, Principal InvestigatorFinal ReportFor the period ended August 15,1995Prepared forNational Aeronautics and Space AdministrationLangley Research CenterHampton, VA 23681-0001UnderResearch Grant NAG-1-1576James L. Dillon, Technical MonitorADYD-Super/Hyper Aerodynamic BranchSubmitted by theOld Dominion University Research FoundationP.O. Box 6369Norfolk, Virginia 23508-0369November 1995(NASA-CR-199748) AERODYNAMIC SHAPE N96-15640OPTIMIZATION DIRECTED TOWARD ASUPERSONIC TRANSPORT USINGSENSITIVITY ANALYSIS Final Report, Unclasperiod ended 15 Aug. 1995 (OldDominion Univ.) 8 pG3/05 0083100