A Meeting Log Structuring System Using Wearable Sensors

We propose a system that structures a meeting log by detecting and tagging the participants’ actions in the meeting using acceleration sensors. The proposed system detects head movement such as nodding of each participant or motion during utterances by using acceleration sensors attached to the heads of all participants in a meeting. In addition, we developed a Meeting Review Tree, which is an application that recognizes a meeting participants’ utterances and three kinds of actions using acceleration and angular velocity sensors and tags them to recorded movies. In the proposed system, the structure of the meeting is hierarchized into three layers and tagged contexts as follows: The first layer represents the transition of the reporter during the meeting, the second layer represents changes in information of speakers in the report, and the third layer represents motions such as nodding. As a result of the evaluation experiment, the recognition accuracy of the stratified first layer was 57.0% and that of the second layer was 61.0%.