Offshore structures for oil and gas production

This chapter discusses the ways to protect offshore structures for oil and gas production, against corrosion. The aspects that are considered in relation to offshore structures, include,: economics, environments and corrosion control, maintenance, design, fouling, hot riser corrosion, down hole corrosion, ‘sweet’ and ‘sour’ corrosion, sulfide stress cracking, and corrosion fatigue. There is no difference in the methods that are employed to protect offshore structures and other marine installations. However, the approach to the problems is influenced by the nature of the operation, in particular the limitations on space, and the high value of the product: oil or gas. The costs involved in working on offshore structures are higher than those for similar work onshore. The choice of protective coatings for offshore platforms is based on cost, tests, and service experience. An important factor to be taken into account is coating maintenance, which has to be carried out at frequent intervals.