1·1. We shall write for the class of groups all of whose non-trivial normal subgroups have finite index. Thus, rather obviously, finite groups, simple groups, and the infinite cyclic and dihedral groups all lie in the class . Other examples of -groups are to be found in a variety of contexts. The main result of Mennicke (8) shows that, for n ≥ 3, the factor group of SL(n, Z) by its centre is a -group, where SL(n, Z) denotes the unimodular group of all n × n invertible matrices with integer coefficients and with determinant 1. In McLain(7), an example is given of an infinite, locally finite, locally soluble -group, whose only non-trivial normal subgroups are the terms of its derived series, and in (4), P. Hall discusses an infinite -group, all of whose proper quotients are finite p -groups. If is a class of groups closed under taking homomorphic images, it is easily seen that the existence of an infinite -group satisfying the maximal condition for normal subgroups implies the existence of an infinite -group in the class , so that certain questions concerning the finiteness of groups satisfying the maximal condition for normal subgroups can be interpreted as questions about -groups.
John S. Wilson.
Some properties of groups inherited by normal subgroups of finite index
P. Hall.
On non-strictly simple groups
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.
P. Hall.
Wreath Powers and Characteristically Simple Groups
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.
D. H. McLain.
Finiteness Conditions in Locally Soluble Groups
J. Mennicke.
Finite Factor Groups of the Unimodular Group
B. Balkay,et al.
Introduction to lattice theory
John S. Wilson.
Groups satisfying the maximal condition for normal subgroups