Development of PAL-XFEL Magnet Power Supply

All magnets and magnet power supplies (MPS) for PALXFEL had been installed at the XFEL site. The MPSs have been testing with the installed magnets. The total number of assembled MPSs was amounted to 624. The 391 MPSs among them were for corrector magnets. The design configurations of the corrector MPS were explained. Various performance examinations were carried out to confirm weather them satisfied the specifications such as short term stability, linearity, repeatability so on. The test results of the MPSs for corrector magnets were also described here. INTRODUCTION This PAL-XFEL project aims at the generation of X-ray FEL radiation in the range of 0.1 to 10 nm for users. The machine consists of 10 GeV linear accelerator and hard and soft X-ray undulator beamlines [1]. The PAL-XFEL was in commissioning mode now after all equipment had been installed. The total 624 of magnet power supplies (MPS) were installed at the linear accelerator, beam transfer line and undulator section. The 391 among them were corrector power supplies (CPS) that were divided into four groups by the output current, output voltage and required stability. The four CPSs were assembled in a 3 U shelf. Two of them were paired to share the Ethernet and AC power. Two pairs were completely isolated not to interfere each other. The performances of all CPSs were examined at the company. After installation, CPSs have been operating mode and go smoothly now without any critical problems. This paper describes some design schemes that was implemented into the CPS. And this paper showed some performance test results of the CPSs. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION The CPS has requirements of comparatively low current and voltage limitation up to 15 A and 12 V. The Fig. 1 showed the shelf of the assembled CPSs. Two CPSs were paired to consider that the corrector magnet was designed to have both vertical and horizontal coils in a magnetic core generally. A paired CPS shared the one UC5282 board. The four MPSs were assembled in a shelf of 3 U height. There were no connections between pair of CPSs completely not to affect each other while operation. A fan shelf unit of 1 U was assembled under the CPS shelf for air cooling. Four vacuum fluorescent displays were assembled on the front panel which has 2 lines by 16 characters. It displayed the output current, voltage and the other status of the CPS. The 8 LEDs were showed the simple status of the CPS. A BNC per each CPS was fabricated on the front panel, which was the buffered output signal of the DCCT for easy maintenance. And a console port, RS232, and an Ethernet port were on the front panel. A name plate per each CPS was mounted on the upper side of front panel for easy discrimination of the CPS while maintenance. Figure 1: Block diagram of the magnet power supply. The Fig. 2 showed the interfaces among devices of the CPS. The peripherals for the VFD, UC5282, console and EEPROM were connected to the DSP through the SPI, SCIs and multichannel buffered serial port (McBSP), respectively. There was a FPGA Spartan3 XC3S1200E from Xilinx. All ADC chips were connected to the FPGA through the SPI. The FPGA was interfaced with the DSP by the external interface by the 16-bit address and data bus, respectively. The DSP got the ADC data by the 25 KHz rate, which was the same as the switching frequency of the FET. The basic parameters such as the proportional gain and integral gain were written into the EEPROM. This was interfaced to DSP through the McBSP.