지역별 에어컨디셔너의 냉방 계절성능 비교에 관한 연구

Test procedures and rules may be published as formal standards by an economy’s standards-setting agency or by an international agency such as the International Standards Organization (ISO) or International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) or both. Many countries have test procedures, standards, and labeling (mandatory and/or voluntary) schemes for a wide variety of products. ISO has developed a new standard to evaluate annual energy performance of air conditioner and heat pump, which is called as annual performance factor (APF), ISO ISO 16358-1, -2, -3:2013. In Korea we used KS 9306 to evaluate energy efficiency of heat pump for last 10 years. But, there are some differences to evaluate energy efficiency between three standards, KS 9306, AHRI 210/240, and EN 14825 at the same test unit. In the present study, the seasonal performance characteristics of heat pump with the three regional standards conditions were experimentally analyzed. In order to analyze the cooling seasonal performance factor, we compared to bin data in each regional standards and variations of EER. As a result the CSPF(cooling seasonal performance factor) calcurated with KS standard is higher than the other two standards. In addtion we found the low outdoor temperature is significant important factor to calcurated the CSPF.