Cognitive Neuropsychology and Cognitive Rehabilitation

Overview Chapters: M.J. Riddoch, G.W. Humphreys, Cognitive Neuropsychology and Cognitive Rehabilitation: A Marriage of Equal Partners. M. Coltheart, A. Bates, A. Castles, Cognitive Neuropsychology and Rehabilitation. Visual Object Recognition: Review Chapter: G.W. Humphreys, M.J. Riddoch, Neurological Disturbances of Vision: The Case for a Cognitive Neuroscience Approach to Rehabilitation. Empirical Chapters: E. de Haan, R. Campbell, Developmental Prosopagnosia: A Functional Analysis and Implications for Remediation. G. Sartori, M. Miozzo, R. Job, Rehabilitation of Semantic Memory Impairments. Visual Attention: Review Chapter: M.J. Riddoch, G.W. Humphreys, Towards an Understanding of Unilateral Neglect. Empirical Chapters: E. Ladavas, G. Menghini, C. Umilta, On the Rehabilitation of Hemispatial Neglect. I. Robertson, The Rehabilitation of Hemi-Inattentional and Attentional Disorders: A Review and a Description of Two Randomised Control Trials. S. Lennon, Task Specific Effects in the Rehabilitation of Neglect. P. D'Erme, G. Gainotti, P. Bartolomeo, I. Robertson, Early Ipsilateral Orienting of Attention in Patients with Contralateral Neglect. Motor Performance: Review Chapter: M. Jeannerod, J. Decety, From Motor Images to Motor Programs. Empirical Chapters: Y. Kamsma, Prevention of Early Immobility in Patients with Parkinson's Disease: A Cognitive Training Strategy for Turning in Bed and Rising from a Chair. E. Pilgrim, G.W. Humphreys, Rehabilitation of a Case of Ideomotor Apraxia. Spoken Language and Phonological Skills: Review Chapter: A. Ellis, S. Franklyn, A. Crerar, Cognitive Neuropsychology and the Remediation of Disorders of Spoken Language. Empirical Chapters: C.C. Mitchum, R.S. Berndt, Verb Retrieval and Sentence Construction: Effects of Targetted Intervention. P.H.K. Seymour, F. Bunce, Application of Cognitive Models to Remediation in Cases of Developmental Dyslexia. L.S. Siegal, Phonological Processing Deficits as the Basis of Developmental Dyslexia: Implications for Remediation. R. Johnston, M. Anderson, L.G. Duncan, The Association between Reading Strategies in Poor Readers and their Visual and Phonological Segmentation Skills. Written Language: Review Chapter: K.E. Patterson, Reading, Writing and Rehabilitation: A Reckoning. Empirical Chapters: A.E. Hillis, A. Caramazza, Theories of Lexical Processing and Rehabilitation of Lexical Deficits. S. Cariomagno, A. Lavarone. A. Columbo, Cognitive Approaches to Writing Rehabilitation: From Single Case to Group Studies. R.S. Berndt, C.C. Mitchum, Approaches to the Rehabilitation of Phonological Assembly: Elaborating the Model of Non-Lexical Reading. Memory: Review Chapter: D.L. Schacter. E.L. Glisky, M.A. Butters, Domain-Specific Learning and Remediation of Memory Disorders. Empirical Chapters: A.D. Pickering, The Flexibility of Implicit Memory: An Exploration Using Discrimination Learning. A. Gade, Imagery as a Mnemonic Aid in Amnesia Patients: Effects of Amnesia Subtype and Severity.