Reservoir Facies Architecture in a Micro-Tidal Barrier System, Frio Formation, Texas Gulf Coast: ABSTRACT
Barrier-bar sand bodies are a complex mosaic of barrier-core, shoreface, inlet-fill, tidal-delta, and back-barrier facies. In addition, sandbody stratigraphy and internal depositional architecture are determined by the progradational, aggradational, or transgressive origin of the barrier complex. The Frio barrier/strandplain system of the middle Texas Gulf Coast has produced more than 3 billion bbl of oil. Examination of the Greta, Glasscock, and 41-A sands in West Ranch field illustrates the variability of barrier reservoirs. Each reservoir is a mosaic of variably interconnected compartments having sheet, tab, pod, or channel geometries. Conventional facies analysis (isolith and log-pattern mapping and limited core examination) combined with semiquantitative delineation of hydrocarbon-saturation distribution using resistivity logs defined the facies components of each reservoir. The 41-A sand consists of juxtaposed progradational barrier-core, inlet-fill, and flood tidal-delta units. The Glasscock sand is largely a transgressive barrier-flat and washoverfan deposit. The Greta sand is a complex of aggradational barrier-core and inlet-fill facies. Productive attributes of each reservoir are influenced by its facies architecture and attendant relative permeabilities. Natural water drive is ineffective in the volumetrically restricted transgressive Glasscock reservoir. Permeability distribution in the 41-A reservoir is facies defined. Erratic injection response, irregular oil-water contact advance, and variable water/oil ratios observed during the productive history of individual reservoirs document localized facies effects on fluid flow. Spatial variation of the gas/oil ratio may also reflect facies distribution. End_of_Article - Last_Page 478------------