Update on the Hanford waste vitrification plant technical developments

This paper presents a brief description of the HWVP Project and describes the progress made by the HWVP Project on key applied technology issues. The HWVP technology approach is to identify key HWVP waste-form qualification and design issues, identify sources of applicable vitrification technology, and maximize the use of existing DOE vitrification technology and design resources. The HWVP issues will be resolved through technology exchange, support from other Hanford Site waste-management programs, and a limited HWVP applied technology development effort. Using Defense Waste Processing Facility and West Valley Demonstration Project technology as a basis, the HWVP applied technology efforts have established a reference Hanford Site pretreated high-level waste feed, borosilicate glass, vitrification flowsheet, and a data base to support detailed design. Key feed and glass properties as well as vitrification process parameters have been characterized. A preliminary HWVP waste form description and form qualification planning document have been prepared. 3 refs., 2 tabs.