탑상형 아파트의 외피개방유형에 따른 전기에너지 사용량 사례 분석
The purpose of this study was the analysis of electric energy consumption with the case study of tower type apartment's opening of building surface. We analyze the relationship between tower type apartment's opening of building surface and using electric energy consumption. The results of this study are: 1) The highest energy consumption of electric energy was on August without any influence of opening types of building surface. 2) Also, the south-west sides consumption of August was 848 kWh on Type B(one side opening) and it was the highest usage. 3) A house if facing west used more electricity than facing east when its opening of building surface's datum level is facing south. However, the house of facing east used more power than west when its opening of building surface's datum level is facing north. 4) When opening of building surface is facing on north-west or north-east, the opening of building surface's side of west and east used more electric power than north-west or north-east sides.