Unsteady Low-Speed Wind tunnel Test of a Straked Delta Wing, Oscillating in Pitch. Part 2. Plots of Steady and Zeroth and First Harmonic Unsteady Pressure Distributions
Abstract : Result of a wind tunnel test of an oscillating straked wing. The report provides unsteady airloads and pressure distributions for a range of incidences (-8 to 50 deg.) and amplitudes (1 to 16 deg.). The wind speed was 80 meters/second, which provided reduced frequencies up to 0.50 based on root chord. The zeroth and first harmonic as well as the continuous time history of the pressure and overall loads were measured. Flow visualization was performed for flow of 30 meters/second using a pulsating laser light sheet. The plots of the pressure distributions included in this part are presented in the order of the run numbers. Tables 4 and 5 in part I provide a convenient cross reference of conditions and run numbers. All steady test cases which were covered in table 4 of part I are presented in appendix B for runs up to no. 674. All runs presented in this part relate to the test conditions of 80 m/s windspeed and zero sideslip. Keywords: Unsteady flow; Vortex flow; Wind tunnel test.