An all(1) compiler generator

Aparse is a flexible and modular system for generating efficient one-pass compilers from attributed grammar specifications. The system is of particular interest in that it combines recent research in attributed parsing and error-correction into a powerful and practical tool. It has been amply demonstrated that attributed grammars are a convenient mechanism for organizing translations ([Fan 72], [LRS 74], [Bra 76]). This is partially due to the fact that an attributed grammar is not a completely formal specification tool—it merely provides a framework for structuring a semantic and syntactic specification. A number of compiler-compilers have been written to process attributed grammars ([LB 74], [BW 78], [GRW 77]), but Aparse is unique in incorporating attribute values in the parsing function. We have found that this facility permits smaller grammars to be used, and smaller parsers to be generated. In addition, a significant degree of context-sensitivity can be reflected in what is essentially a context-free framework. Section 2 will contain a brief introduction to attributed grammars, and section 3 will sketch the theory of attributed parsing.