R Commander Plug-in for University Level Applied Statistics
March 12, 2015 Type Package Title R Commander Plug-in for University Level Applied Statistics Version Date 2015-03-12 Maintainer Kristian Hovde Liland <kristian.liland@nmbu.no> Encoding latin1 Depends R (>= 3.0.0), mixlm (>=, MASS, pls, xtable Imports Rcmdr (>= 2.1-7), tcltk Suggests lme4, leaps, mvtnorm, gmodels, abind, lattice, pbkrtest, vcd, multcomp, e1071, nnet Description An R Commander ``plug-in'' extending functionality of linear models and providing an interface to Partial Least Squares Regression and Linear and Quadratic Discriminant analysis. Several statistical summaries are extended, predictions are offered for additional types of analyses, and extra plots, tests and mixed models are available. License GPL (>= 2) LazyLoad yes LazyData yes RcmdrModels mvr, lda, qda, prcomp, mer, rsm, glmerMod, lmerMod, lmm NeedsCompilation no Author Kristian Hovde Liland [aut, cre], Solve Sæbø [aut] Repository CRAN Date/Publication 2015-03-12 09:37:23