A Strategy for Developing the Cadastral System of Cadastral Resurvey: Project based on International Standard (LADM) in South Korea
SUMMARY ISO19152 international standard, led by ISO/TC211 in the meantime, has been published as an international standard at the end of 2012. It does not necessarily mean a simple document published. The FIG having the initiative in international standards-based technology is actively promoting overseas business in developing countries through developing a system based on international standards such as STDM. Developing a standard model based on international standards for Korea environment is no longer an option. In this paper, we analyzed the current cadastral resurvey project. Then we analyzed the proposed model in the field of cadastre up to now in Korea. We presented the future-oriented model of land registration for cadastral resurvey project which embraced both kind of standardized target for “Product” and “Process” perspective. This study was mainly carried out the existing literature research about the presented specific model. Therefore it is needed further development for technical model to verify the validity of the practical application.