Solving the Problem of the Link Optimizing and Delay-constrained Multicast Routing Based on GA

In this paper, we investigate the problem of multicast routing in IP network with the link cost and delay-constrained. For the limitation of OSPF (open short path first) net protocol, the unbalance use of link often results in the congestion in the larger scale network. Our contribution is that we consider the multicast routing problem taking into consideration the congestion due to the unbalance use of link, and we present a improved genetic algorithm to solving the problem of the multicast routing. The genetic algorithm begins from a least-delay tree, then iteratively replaces expensive tree links with cheaper links during the crossover, and gets final multicast tree satisfied delay constraint. Through extensive simulation experiments, we result show that the proposed genetic algorithm can perform better in terms of delay an running time, and construct optimal delay-constrained multicast tree efficiently.