Consider a fixed lattice L in n -dimensional euclidean space, and a finite set K of symbols. A correspondence a which assigns a symbol a(x) ∈K to each lattice point x ∈ L will be called a configuration. An n -dimensional cellular automaton can be described as a map which assigns to each such configuration a some new configuration a′ = f (a) by a formula of the form
$$ a'(x) = F(a(x + {v_l}),...,\,a(x + {v_{\tau }})) $$
a’(x) = F(a(x + v 1)), ⋯, a(x + v r)), where v 1, ⋯, v r are fixed vectors in the lattice L, and where F is a fixed function of r symbols in K. I will call f the cellular automaton-map which is associated with the local map F. If the alphabet K has k elements, then the number of distinct local maps F is equal to k k′ . This is usually an enormous number, so that it is not possible to examine all of the possible F. Depending on the particular choice of F and of the v 1, such an automaton may display behavior which is simple and convergent, or chaotic and random looking, or behavior which is very complex and difficult to describe. (Compare [Wolfram].)
Stephen Wolfram,et al.
Cellular automata as models of complexity
Masayuki Kimura,et al.
Condition for Injectivity of Global Maps for Tessellation Automata
Inf. Control..
Takeo Yaku,et al.
The Constructibility of a Configuration in a Cellular automaton
J. Comput. Syst. Sci..
S. V. Fomin,et al.
Ergodic Theory
E. Coven.
Topological entropy of block maps
Jacques Demongeot,et al.
Dynamical Systems and Cellular Automata
Serafino Amoroso,et al.
Decision Procedures for Surjectivity and Injectivity of Parallel Maps for Tessellation Structures
J. Comput. Syst. Sci..
David Fried.
Entropy for smooth abelian actions
Y. Sinai.
An answer to a question by J. Milnor
L. Goodwyn.
Some counter-examples in topological entropy