Screenshot of the TOUCAN software

Copyright information: Taken from "TOUCAN 2: the all-inclusive open source workbench for regulatory sequence analysis"Nucleic Acids Research 2005;33(Web Server issue):W393-W396.Published online 27 Jun 2005PMCID:PMC1160115.© The Author 2005. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved () The Get_Seq menu allows for automated sequence retrieval from the EMBL nucleotide database or from the Ensembl genomic databases. Whole gene sequences or upstream sequences can be retrieved from the latter, together with the corresponding sequences of orthologous genes. () All pairs of orthologous sequences of a set of genes can be aligned automatically using AVID, LAGAN or Blastz. () Motifs and CRMs can be predicted by various algorithms (see text). () The sequence-feature map is sensitive to mouse clicks and allows manipulations, such as cutting, reverse complementing, etc. () Features are annotated as colored boxes. The large rectangle shown under (E) is a region that is conserved with the region in the mouse sequence that has the same color, right below it (i.e. a CNS). The small vertical lines within the CNSs are predicted TFBSs. () By zooming in, the individual binding site predictions become visible. () Sequence sublist where regions like CNSs are collected so that certain analyses can be focused only on the sublist. The sublist can also be saved or be opened in a new window. () Feature list where features can be removed, or given another visualization characteristics (color, fill, etc), or where certain combinations of features can be selected to be visualized. () Information about a sequence. () Information about a feature that is left-clicked on. () Status window.