Seventh International Conference on Turbochargers and Turbocharging, 14-15 May 2002, Savoy Place, London, UK

Part 1 Compressors: idealized stalling criteria of centrifugal compressors, C. Rodgers turbocharger compressor developments for passenger car gasoline engine applications, H. Chen and W. Connor the development of effective casing treatment for turbocharger compressors, S. Yamaguchi et al. Part 2 Turbines: radial- and mixed-flow turbine options for high-boost turbochargers, N. Baines computational and experimental investigation of the aerodynamics of turbocharger mixed-flow turbines, D.D. Palfreyman et al design of a turbine rotor for a high-vane count variable geometry turbocharger, G.T. McDonnell and Q.D.H. Roberts ABB TPL65 turbocharger with variable turbine geometry for medium-speed diesel engines, I. Vlaskos et al. Part 3 Vibration and noise: turbocharger vibration - a case study, R. Holmes dynamic behaviour of rotor-bearing systems involving two oil films in series - application to high-speed turbochargers, K. Gjika and G.D. LaRue vibration characteristics of a radial turbocharger impeller, D. Filsinger et al development of a new test facility for evaluation of turbocharger noise emissions, D.C. Clay and S.W. Moch noise reduction on large turbochargers, H.-J. Feld and R. Girsberger overall engine process simulation - an important tool for the development of supercharged engines, H. Pucher. Part 4 Flow modelling and dynamometer design tools: the application of a streamline curvature code to the design of turbochargers, J. Dunham and B. Phillipsen flow modelling of a turbocharger turbine under pulsating flow, J.K.-W. Lam et al a method of investigating the on-engine turbine efficiency combining experiments and modelling, F. Westin and H.-E. Angstrom a high-speed, permanent magnet eddy-current dynamometer for turbocharger research, S. Szymko et al analysis of a large two-stroke marine diesel engine transient behaviour during compressor surging, G. Theotokatos and N.P. Kyrtatos analysis of a twin turbocharger and a single turbocharger concept on a HSDI V6 diesel engine applying engine cycle simulation, F. Arnd Somerhoff. Part 5 EGR and electro-boosted systems: aspects of EGR control on turbocharged light-duty diesel engines, R.P. Osborne and T. Morris effect of various EGR systems on HDT-turbocharging, W. Hochegger et al drivability assessment of an HSDI diesel engine with electrically assisted boosting systems, K. Fieweger et al. Part 6 Fatigue life: lifetime prediction for turbocharger compressor wheels - why use titanium?, B. Engels prediction of duration of life of automotive components under thermomechanical fatigue, F. Ahdad and M.A. Soare turbo matching techniques for highly cyclic bus applications, O. Ryder et al. Part 7 Additional papers: small turbocharger turbomachinery, C. Rodgers and K. Rochford heuristical view on the non-adiabatic coupling system of combustion engine turbocharger, D. Hagelstein et al. (Part contents)