Proposed SMART Traffic Control Signal in Brunei Darussalam

This paper presents proposed SMART (Systematic Monitoring of Arterial Road Traffic Signals) traffic control signal in Brunei Darussalam. Traffic congestion due to stops and delays at traffic light signals has much been complained about in Brunei Darussalam as well as across the world during the recent years. There are primarily two types of traffic signal controls in Brunei Darussalam. The most common one is the fixed or pre-timed signal operation traffic light and the other one is the actuated signal operation traffic light. Although the actuated signal control is more efficient than the fixed or pre-fixed signal control in the sense that it provides fewer stops and delays to traffic on the major arteries, the best option for Brunei Darussalam would be to introduce smart traffic control signal. This type of traffic signal uses artificial intelligence to take the appropriate action by adjusting the times in real time to minimise the delay in the intersection while also coordinating with intersections in the neighbourhood. SMART Signal simultaneously collects event-based high-resolution traffic data from multiple intersections and generates real-time signal performance measures, including arterial travel time, number of stops, queue length, intersection delay, and level of service. In Brunei Darussalam, where we have numerous intersections where several arterial roads are linked to one another, The SMART signal traffic control method should be implemented.