In this study, the authors wanted to determine and analyze the students' perceptions about the quality of service in the reference section UPT Padjadjaran, namely: Tengible element 'Physical', Realibility 'reliability', Responsive 'Response', Assurance 'Guarantee', and Empathy 'attention.' Meanwhile, the method used is exploratory, descriptive, and qualitative. The results showed that the hypothesis of the authors about the quality of service at the Library Unit Padjadjaran reference services there are still weaknesses evident. There are two drawbacks perceived by respondents as the visitors, namely: less complete collection and not humourist librarians in service to the visitors. It is expected to be input for the librarians at Padjadjaran University Library Unit that needs to be improved so that the quality of services librarians increased interest in reading them because they feel "comfortable" being in this reference section. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis ingin mengetahui dan menganalisis persepsi mahasiswa tentang kualitas pelayanan di bagian referensi UPT Unpad, yaitu: unsur Tengible ‘Fisik’, Realibility ‘Kehandalan’, Responsive ‘Daya Tanggap’, Assurance ‘Jaminan’, dan Emphaty ‘Perhatian.’ Adapun, metode yang digunakan adalah eksploratif, deskriptif, dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis penulis tentang kualitas pelayanan di bagian pelayanan referensi UPT Perpustakaan Unpad masih terdapat kelemahan terbukti. Ada dua kelemahan yang dipersepsikan oleh responden sebagai pemustaka, yaitu: kekuranglengkapan koleksi dan kekuranghumoran pustakawan dalam pelayanan terhadap pemustaka. Hal ini diharapkan dapat menjadi masukan bagi para pustakawan di UPT Perpustakaan Unpad bahwa perlu ditingkatkan kualitas pelayanan para pustakawan sehingga minat baca mereka meningkat karena merasa “nyaman” berada di bagian referensi ini.