DPS-Sponsored Prizes The Gerard P. Kuiper Prize [1] honors outstanding contributions to the field of planetary science. The Harold C. Urey Prize [2] recognizes outstanding achievement in planetary research by a young scientist. The Harold Masursky Award [3] acknowledges outstanding service to planetary science and exploration. The Carl Sagan Medal [4] recognizes and honors outstanding communication by an active planetary scientist to the general public. The Jonathan Eberhart Planetary Sciences Journalism Award [5] recognizes and stimulates distinguished popular writing on planetary sciences.

[1]  V. Kirkham Fabulous Vernacular: Boccaccio's Filocolo and the Art of Medieval Fiction , 2001 .

[2]  Rita Felski Nothing to Declare: Identity, Shame, and the Lower Middle Class , 2000, PMLA/Publications of the Modern Language Association of America.

[3]  Idelber Avelar The Untimely Present: Postdictatorial Latin American Fiction and the Task of Mourning , 1999 .

[4]  Hermann W. Haller The Other Italy: The Literary Canon in Dialect , 1999 .

[5]  P. Novak “Circles and Circles of Sorrow”: In the Wake of Morrison's Sula , 1999, PMLA/Publications of the Modern Language Association of America.

[6]  Nancy L. Canepa From Court to Forest: Giambattista Basile's Lo cunto de li cunti and the Birth of the Literary Fairy Tale , 1999 .

[7]  Frances R. Aparicio,et al.  Listening to Salsa: Gender, Latin Popular Music, and Puerto Rican Cultures , 1999 .

[8]  R. Clément,et al.  Conceptualizing Willingness to Communicate in a L2: A Situational Model of L2 Confidence and Affiliation , 1998 .

[9]  D. S. Goodrich Facundo and the construction of Argentine culture , 1997 .

[10]  J. Ramazani The Wound of History: Walcott's Omeros and the Postcolonial Poetics of Affliction , 1997, PMLA/Publications of the Modern Language Association of America.

[11]  James E. Maraniss,et al.  The repeating island : the Caribbean and the postmodern perspective , 1997 .

[12]  K. Hoffmann Society of Pleasures: Interdisciplinary Readings in Pleasure and Power During the Reign of Louis XIV , 1997 .

[13]  D. Shaw Poets, Patrons and Printers: Crisis Of Authority in Late Medieval France , 1996 .

[14]  Henning Andersen,et al.  The Dawn of Slavic: An Introduction to Slavic Philology , 1999 .

[15]  Ann Louise Kibbie Monstrous Generation: The Birth of Capital in Defoe's Moll Flanders and Roxana , 1995, PMLA/Publications of the Modern Language Association of America.

[16]  L. Litvak,et al.  Dance of the Dolphin. Transformation and Disenchantment in the Amazonian Imagination , 1996 .

[17]  C. Cavanagh Rereading the Poet's Ending: Mandelstam, Chaplin, and Stalin , 1994, PMLA/Publications of the Modern Language Association of America.

[18]  Dana D. Nelson To Wake the Nations: Race in the Making of American Literature. , 1994 .

[19]  Dana D. Nelson,et al.  Love and Theft: Blackface Minstrelsy and the American Working Class. , 1994 .

[20]  J. T. Irwin,et al.  The Mystery to a Solution: Poe, Borges, and the Analytic Detective Story , 1993 .

[21]  Carl Hill The Soul of Wit: Joke Theory from Grimm to Freud , 1993 .

[22]  Claire J. Kramsch,et al.  Context and Culture in Language Teaching , 1993 .

[23]  Alan Nadel God's Law and the Wide Screen: The Ten Commandments as Cold War “Epic” , 1993, PMLA/Publications of the Modern Language Association of America.

[24]  Margaret F. Rosenthal,et al.  The Honest Courtesan: Veronica Franco, Citizen and Writer in Sixteenth-Century Venice , 1993 .

[25]  Hans J. Rindisbacher The smell of books : a cultural-historical study of olfactory perception in literature , 1993 .

[26]  Francine R. Masiello Between Civilization and Barbarism: Women, Nation, and Literary Culture in Modern Argentina , 1992 .

[27]  Anthony Appiah,et al.  In My Father's House: Africa in the Philosophy of Culture , 1992 .

[28]  J. H. Hagstrum Esteem Enlivened by Desire: The Couple from Homer to Shakespeare , 1992 .

[29]  F. Jameson,et al.  Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism , 1992 .

[30]  S. Bercovitch The Office of the Scarlet Letter , 1991 .

[31]  Elizabeth B. Bernhardt Reading Development in a Second Language: Theoretical, Empirical and Classroom Perspectives , 1991 .

[32]  B. Newman “The Situation of the Looker-On”: Gender, Narration, and Gaze in Wuthering Heights , 1990, PMLA/Publications of the Modern Language Association of America.

[33]  J. H. Whitfield,et al.  Foxes and lions : Machiavelli's confidence men , 1990 .

[34]  L. Re Calvino and the Age of Neorealism: Fables of Estrangement , 1990 .

[35]  Alice C. Omaggio Teaching language in context : proficiency-oriented instruction , 1987 .

[36]  Nancy P. Pope Chaucer and the Imagery of Narrative. The First Five Canterbury Tales , 1985 .

[37]  S. Miller Essays on Classical Rhetoric and Modern Discourse , 1985 .

[38]  G. Cambon Michelangelo's Poetry: Fury of Form , 1985 .

[39]  Raymond E. Fitch The Poison Sky: Myth And Apocalypse In Ruskin , 1982 .

[40]  J. Hollander Rhyme's Reason: A Guide to English Verse , 1981 .

[41]  E. Stevick Teaching Languages: A Way and Ways , 1980 .

[42]  M. H. Abrams,et al.  Natural Supernaturalism: Tradition and Revolution in Romantic Literature , 1972 .

[43]  Communism,et al.  University of Pennsylvania , 1847, Medical History.

[44]  D. Allen Mysteriously Meant: The Rediscovery of Pagan Symbolism and Allegorical Interpretation in the Renaissance , 1970 .

[45]  D. A. Robertson,et al.  THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. , 1907, Science.