한국 영상산업 및 영화관광 발전방향과 경기도의 역할
This paper analyzes the problems of Korea’s film industry and film induced tourism. It attempts to suggest solutions for development of the industries through structural reforms. Prime attention has been given to what Gyeonggi-do province can and should do for the development of the two industries. It is found that pressing structural problems of Korean film industry are small scale market, absence of globally competitive film industry cluster, and weak fundamental of cultural capital. Globalization of Korean film industry is believed a solution to expand film market. The globalization would best be achieved through establishment of an international film industry network in Korea that will be a Northeast Asia center for film production and distribution, rather than traditional means of market expansion, i.e. exporting Korean films to world market. In order to make Gyoenggi a hub of international film industry, international level film making technologies, facilities and systematic supports are required to be made available enough to satisfy the needs of run-away filmmakers, for example, film makers from Hollywood. In order for this, Seoul-Gyeonggi should construct a complimentary film industry network. Seoul will be a typical urban cultural Industry cluster where many cultural firms concentrate while Gyeonggi has film industry infrastructures ready, for example large scale VFX Studios equipped with facilities that can handle advanced film making technologies, theme park, and outdoor location facilities in the way that it can be closely connected to DMC and culture related firms in Seoul.