The Effectiveness of Using Online Learning Methods Based on Video Conference in the Course of an Introduction to Microeconomics

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of online learning methods based on video conferencing compared to non-video online learning methods in the Microeconomics Management course in the Faculty of Economics, State University of Medan. This research method uses experimental research using the Pre-Test and Post Test questions. There are two classes in this research, namely the learning of experiment class using video conference media and the learning of control class that is only using e-learning web. The population in this study were all faculty of economic in the State University of Medan students who took introductory courses in microeconomics which consisted of 2 classes with a total of 70 students. The number of samples in this study were 70 students, from this study concluded that the control class had an average post-test score of 42.2%, when compared to the results of the post-test scores of the experimental class increased after receiving treatment of using a media learning based on video conference, which has an average value of 64.5%. It can be concluded that online learning media based on video conferencing are more effective in learning.