Repair, Evaluation, Maintenance, and Rehabilitation Research Program: Proceedings of REMR Workshop on Repair and Maintenance of Shallow-Draft Training Structures Held in Vicksburg, Mississippi on 24-25 February 1987
Abstract : Presented are the Proceedings of the Workshop on Repair and Maintenance of Shallow-Draft Training Structures. The repair of riverine shallow-draft training structures has been and will continue to be a significant maintenance cost within the US Army Corps of Engineers. The main purpose of the workshop was to gather together the working level river engineers involved in dike repair and provide a forum in which to exchange experience, methodology, and problems faced by each Corps District. A secondary purpose was to enable the people involved in this REMR work unit to gather information and establish contacts within the Districts to accomplish the stated goals of the work unit. These proceedings provide a summary of the following: the presentations by the Districts, the discussion periods, and the summarization and conclusions. The discussion periods focused on unusual repair techniques used and future research needs in the field of dike repair.