Two semiconductor active cold loads (ACLs) to be used as cold references in spaceborne microwave radiometers have been developed. An X-band frequency was chosen, and the target noise temperature value was in the 50-100-K range. The ACLs are characterized in the operating temperature range of 0degC-50degC, and long-term stability is assessed. To this end, a test bed has been developed. This test bed is actually a stable radiometer, and its design and performance are discussed. The test setup is described, and test campaign results indicate output temperatures of 77 and 56 K for the two ACLs. The temperature sensitivity is slightly below 0.4 K/degC for the units, and long-term stability within 2 K/year is observed.
Lawrence P. Dunleavy,et al.
Stability measurements on noise sources
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas..
R. Frater,et al.
An Active "Cold" Noise Source
Niels Skou,et al.
Performance measurements on active cold loads for radiometer calibration
2007 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.
Niels Skou,et al.
Microwave Radiometer Systems: Design and Analysis
R. L. Forward,et al.
Electronically Cold Microwave Artificial Resistors