Knowledge Oriented Software Design, Extended Papers from the IFIP TC12 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence from the Information Processing Perspective - AIFIPP '92, Madrid, Spain, 14-15 September, 1992

Part 1 Modular knowledge structures: Task-structure analysis for knowledge modelling (B. Chandrasekaran, T.R. Johnson, J.W. Smith). Problem-solving models for generation of task-specific knowledge-acquisition tools (M.A. Musen, S.W. Tu). Contributions to a knowledge oriented view of software design (J. Cuena). Explanation in generic-task systems (M.C. Tanner). Corporate knowledge management (L. Steels). Part 2 Design and validation: Towards a joint life cycle for software and knowledge engineering (N. Juristo, J. Pazos). Model-based and incremental knowledge engineering: the MIKE approach (J. Angele, D. Fensel, D. Landes, S. Neubert, R. Studer). Inductive learning applied to program construction and verification (I. Bratko, M. Grobelnik). The general problem solver as a paradigm for software design (R.B. Banerji). Conventional software and expert systems - some comparative aspects regarding validation (P. Meseguer). Part 3 AI Basic techniques: The role of computational logic as a hinge paradigm among deduction, problem solving, programming and parallelism (M. Hermenegildo). PAMELA-C++: tight integration of rule-based features into an object-oriented language (E. Bahr, A. Holzmann, E. Mehofer, G. Pollak). Continuations as a generic controlflow mechanism (U. Cortes, E. Sesa, M.M. Furnari, C. di Napoli, R. Napolitano). Logic-based standards for the conceptual schema (J.F. Sowa).