Performance of litchi cultivar for yield and physico-chemical quality of fruits

The influence of 14 cultivars (namely Ajhauli, Bedana, China, Dehradun, Dehra Rose, Deshi, Green, Kasba, Late Bedana, Longia, Purabi, Rose scented, Shahi and Trikolia of litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) on yield and physicochemical quality of fruits was evaluated. Fruit samples were collected at the peak harvest during the month of May from 16 years old healthy trees. The parameters which were assessed were cracking percent, fruit and pulp yield, fruit length and diameter, shape index, peel thickness, seed, peel and pulp percent, pulp and peel ratio, pulp and seed ratio, Total Soluble Solids (TSS), Titrable acidity, TSS and acid ratio, ascorbic acid content, total reducing and non-reducing sugars and total sugar acid ratio. The result indicated that cultivar Kasba, Bedana and Late Bedana bears good quality fruits while the highest yield was recorded in cultivars Shahi followed by China and Rosescented.