Study of head injury victims in fatal road traffic accidents in Delhi.

The study revealed 31% were the victims of Head injury injury in this part of Delhi in vehicular accidents. Although majority of the fatalities were on the spot quite a number of such victims survived for a varied period. A multipronged approach including the preventive and curative measures for this man-made calamity is the need of the hour. Amongst various preventive measure are wearing helmet be made compulsory for both the driver and pillion riders of two-wheelers, development of a safe traffic sense amongst the road users. Traffic Police should be honest, exemplary punishment for the reckless driver, decongestion of Delhi roads etc. The curative measures are facilities of CT scanners and neurosurgeons in all the major hospitals, provision of first-aid in the PCR (Police control room) vans, to institute immediate treatment to the victim without waiting for the medico-legal formalities, opening of more fully equipped Accident and trauma centres. It is high time the concerned authorities gave some serious thought towards this avoidable epidemic on Delhi roads.