A FFP-Based Adaptive Control of an SPV System Tied to a Weak Grid

In this paper, a three-phase grid interfaced solar photovoltaic (PV) system is controlled through a fixed forward prediction (FFP)-based algorithm, which extracts the fundamental current component of load connected at point of common coupling. This voltage-source converter with the FFP-based control algorithm feeds the PV power to the grid along with balancing of loads, reduction of harmonics, stabilization of the grid under voltage sag/swell, and voltage unbalance conditions. Moreover, the rate of convergence of this algorithm is very high. Simulated performance of this system is verified experimentally. The incremental conductance-based maximum power point tracking algorithm is applied on a PV array for the extraction of maximum power from it. The system is tested under different abnormal conditions such as load unbalance, solar PV array connection/disconnection, voltage sag, voltage swell, voltage unbalance, and variable solar insolation. The distortions levels of voltage/current are found to be within limits as defined in an IEEE-519 standard while feeding active power to a distribution network and connected loads.

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