The microcomputer will help the traffic engineer in the development of record systems and in the performance of routine engineering calculations for activities related to roadway operations, signal system design and timing. The microcomputer provides instant availability and quick response that are characteristic of a dedicated computer. It also provides adequate peripheral storage for most traffic engineering applications. This article discusses the process associated with microcomputer use: data management, management information, and computation. The data management aspect includes storage, access and sorting of large quantities of data required for traffic engineering analysis. Management information uses include the storage, access and sorting of data files required for facilities and personnel management. A good example of management information applications are inventory files and monitoring of personnel activities. Many computer programs have been modified for microcomputer implementation such as those for signal timing calculations and evaluation of alternative changes in traffic operations. Additional programs that could be implemented on a microcomputer include calculations for signal pole and foundation design, cable file programs that calculate conduit size requirements, optimized signal - phase sequences for combinations of turning movements, and statistical analyses.