Absorption cross section of BrO between 312 and 385 nm AT 298 and 223 K

Abstract The absolute UV cross section of BrO at 338.1 ± 0.1 nm, the peak of the (7,0) band of the A( 2 Π)←X( 2 Π) transition, was measured at 298±2 and 223±4 K to be (1.71±0.14) × 10 −17 and (2.21±0.16) × 10 −17 cm 2 , respectively, using the technique of flash photolysis-ultraviolet absorption. The spectral resolution for these measurements was 0.18 nm. The absorption spectra of BrO in the wavelength range 312–385 nm were measured at 298±2 and 223±4 K using a flow tube reactor coupled to a diode array spectrometer. Using the (7,0) band cross sections, the absorption cross sections in the above wavelength range were calculated.