COLINDA: Modeling, Representing and Using Scientific Events in the Web of Data

Conference Linked Data (COLINDA) 3 , a recent addition to the LOD (Linked Open Data) Cloud 4 , exposes information about scientific events (confer- ences and workshops) for the period from 2002 up to 2015. Beside title, descrip- tion and time COLINDA includes venue information of scientific events which is interlinked with Linked Data sets of GeoNames 5 , and DBPedia 6 . Additionally in- formation about events is enhanced with links to corresponding proceedings from DBLP (L3S) 7 and Semantic Web Dog Food 8 repositories. The main sources of COLINDA are WikiCfP 9 and Eventseer 10 . The research questions addressed by this work in particular are: how scientific events can be extracted and summa- rized from the Web, how to model them in Semantic Web to be useful for mining and adapting of research related social media content in particular micro blogs, and finally how they can be interlinked with other scientific information from the Linked Data Cloud to be used as base for explorative search for researchers .