Sequential models for coarsening and missingness

In a companion paper we described what intuitively would seem to be the most general possible way to generate Coarsening at Random mechanisms, a sequential procedure called randomized monotone coarsening. Counter-examples showed that CAR mechanisms exist which cannot be represented in this way. Here, we further develop these results in two directions. Firstly, we consider what happens when data is coarsened at random in two or more phases. We show that the resulting coarsening mechanism is not CAR anymore, but under suitable assumptions is identified and can provide interesting alternative analysis of data under a non-CAR model. Secondly, we look at sequential mechanisms for generating MAR data, missing components of a multivariate random vector. Randomised monotone missingness schemes, in which one variable at a time is observed and depending on its value, another variable is chosen or the procedure is terminated, supply in our opinion the broadest class of physically interpretable MAR mechanisms. We show that every randomised monotone missingness scheme can be represented by a Markov monotone missingness scheme, in which the choice of which variable to observe next only depends on the set of previously observed variables and their values, not on the sequence in which they were measured. We also show that MAR mechanisms exist which cannot be represented sequentially.