T he notion of executable content is an extre m e l y p o w e rful idea with far-reaching consequences. Its basic premise is that content need not be static , but can contain programs that will facilitate information sharing and dissemination in unheard-o f ways. While the notion of executable content has been in existence for a while, the combination of the rise of the World Wide Web and the development of new technologies has opened new and exciting avenues that will lead to a new computing landscape. Postscript was the first language that popularized the notion of executable content. Since then there have been numerous other attempts to provide similar functionalities, including Telescript, Inferno, S a f e-Tcl, and Python. However, none of these languages have enjoyed the success of Java, which has b e n e fited from a combination of technical and com-m e rcial factors. Although Java owes part of its success to the popularity of the WWW, its widespread acceptance is also due to the many features and facilities it provides as a programming language. 1 As Bru c e MacLennan describes, languages are like sport s c a r s : 2 H i g h-p e rf o rmance driving machines invite their drivers to drive them and make the experience of driving a pleasure. High-performance languages invite software engineers not only to program but also to create elegant, efficient designs and implementations. Java has become the lingua franca of the Intern e t not only because it is secure, robust, and safe but also because it is a pleasure to program with. Although in many respects Java is evolutionary rather than re v o l u t i o n a ry, it does provide mechanisms such as object orientation, multithre a d i n g , i n t e rfaces, garbage collection, Unicode support , object serialization, and exceptions necessary for programming complex, high-performance, distributed applications. Java is more than a language—it is a framework that comprises many components. It includes picoJava, a hard w a re implementation of the Java Vi rtual Machine; the JavaOS, an operating system implementation; and many application pro g r a m-ming interfaces for programming a broad range of applications, as described in the " Java APIs " side-b a r, next page. A hot re s e a rch area …
Dan Harkey,et al.
Client/Server programming with Java and Corba
Ken Arnold,et al.
The Java programming language (2nd ed.)
Bruce J. MacLennan.
“Who cares about elegance?” The role of aesthetics in programming language design
Edward Yourdon.
Java, the Web, and Software Development
Ken Arnold,et al.
The Java Programming Language