Language Standards for Computer-Aided Learning.
Instructional applications of the computer have resulted in the development of many specialized high-level programming languages; each one aimed at providing effective access to the computer by student, teacher, course author, and/or researcher. At any given installation, the benefits to be gained from such a language are quite evident. However, the variety of languages which have evolved has resulted in great difficulty in exchanging Computer-Aided Learning (CAL) program materials among different institutions. Thus much effort is expended on development of software which exists elsewhere, but not in a form suitable for the particular computer installation at the institution wishing to make use of it. A common programming language for CAL applications would represent a major step towards permitting exchange of CAL software between different computer installations. To be effective, such a language must take into account the variety of approaches used in instructional applications of the computer. It must consider the requirements of users with a variety of skills. It must include provision for the utilization of a wide range of specialized input-output devices required to permit effective communication between the user and the computer. As with all standards, provision must be made for the CAL language standard to be updated in order to respond to changes in user requirements. The development and maintenance of standards for programming languages requires the co-operation of the user, the equipment supplier, and the researcher. As a first step towards arriving at definition of user requirements for a CAL programming language, the National Research Council of Canada's Associate Committee on Instructional Technology convened a working panel whose members have participated actively in a variety of CAL applications, with a variety of programming languages involved. The task assigned to the working panel was the definition of a functional specification of a programming language to meet user requirements. To arrive at a standard from the functional specification, requires the production of a detailed specification, followed by implementation at a number of centres. This implementation stage must be completed before one can say a standard truly exists, since a standard has very little meaning to the user if he cannot apply it.