Special Issue: Multiple Dimensions of Value in Information Systems

RobeRt o. bRiggs is a professor of information systems at San Diego State university. He earned his Ph.D. in management information systems at the university of Arizona in 1994. He researches the cognitive foundations of collaboration and uses his findings to design new collaborative work practices and technologies. He is cofounder of the collaboration engineering field and coinventor of the thinkLets design pattern language for collaborative work processes. He has made exploratory, theoretical, experimental, and technological contributions to the areas of team productivity, technology-supported learning, ideation, creativity, consensus, satisfaction, willingness to change, and technology transition. He has designed collaboration systems and collaborative workspaces for industry, academia, government, and the military. He cochairs the Collaboration Systems and technology track for the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. He lectures worldwide on collaboration theory and practice, and on the philosophy of science.