A Physical Quantity Measuring Method Using A Brillioun Optical Fiber Sensor

The present invention relates to a physical quantity measuring method using a Brillouin optical fiber sensor, and to install the optical fiber to the structure, and the pulse width is set to each different pulse light in pairs, to proceed sequentially in the optical fiber, each back scattering lights and Brillouin after obtaining the gain spectrum, the present invention relates to a method of obtaining the Brillouin frequency on the basis of this, to calculate the normal spectrum from the contrast of the Brillouin gain spectrum. As such a Brillouin frequency obtained by multiplying the conversion factor on the physical quantity of the structure it can obtain the physical quantity. Thus, according to the method according to the invention, the shorter the interval of the optical fiber to obtain a detection signal has a characteristic which can be consequently improved spatial resolution. Brillouin, fiber optics, sensors, physical quantities, measurement, spectral, spatial resolution