One-Point Probability Distribution Functions of Supersonic Turbulent Flows in Self-gravitating Media

Turbulence is essential for understanding the structure and dynamics of molecular clouds and star-forming regions. There is a need for adequate tools to describe and characterize the properties of turbulent flows. One-point probability distribution functions (PDFs) of dynamical variables have been suggested as appropriate statistical measures and applied to several observed molecular clouds. However, the interpretation of these data requires comparison with numerical simulations. To address this issue, smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations of driven and decaying, supersonic, turbulent flows with and without self-gravity are presented. In addition, random Gaussian velocity fields are analyzed to estimate the influence of variance effects. To characterize the flow properties, the PDFs of the density, of the line-of-sight velocity centroids, and of the line centroid increments are studied. This is supplemented by a discussion of the dispersion and the kurtosis of the increment PDFs, as well as the spatial distribution of velocity increments for small spatial lags. From the comparison between different models of interstellar turbulence, it follows that the inclusion of self-gravity leads to better agreement with the observed PDFs in molecular clouds. The increment PDFs for small spatial lags become exponential for all considered velocities. However, all the processes considered here lead to non-Gaussian signatures, differences are only gradual, and the analyzed PDFs are in addition projection dependent. It appears therefore very difficult to distinguish between different physical processes on the basis of PDFs only, which limits their applicability for adequately characterizing interstellar turbulence.

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