Лучевая диагностика спонтанной межреберной легочной грыжи (клиническое наблюдение)
Pulmonary or intercostal hernia appears as a bulge lung tissue result in the subcutaneous fat through a natural orifice or pathologically caused defects of the chest wall. Difficulties of diagnosis of the true pulmonary hernia owing to extremely infrequent occurrence of this pathology are, as a rule, bound to poor knowledge of doctors and quite often lead to inaccurate medical tactics. In the diagnosis of lung hernia along with clinical and laboratory data are used such research methods as x-ray, ultrasound, CT, among which, CT is a highly informative investigation method that allows to evaluate the status of lung tissue in the hernia sac and in other parts of the lungs, just to visualize the structures of the mediastinum, as well as the condition of the pleural cavity and chest wall, determining its proper treatment.