Macro-engineering : a challenge for the future

Dedication Contributing Authors Preface Foreword Acknowledgments Geo-Engineering and Energy Production in the 21st Century / Richard Brook Cathcart and Viorel Badescu Mineral Sequestration Of Co2 And Recovery Of The Heat Of Reaction / Roelof Dirk Schuiling Large-Scale Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) Technology / Evert H. du Marchie van Voorthuysen Wind Parks, Mariculture, Nutrients from Organic Waste Streams, CO2 Sequestration: A Fruitful Combination? / Roelof D. Schuiling and Gerrit Oudakker A Macro-Project to Reduce Hurricane Intensity and Slow Global Sea Level Rise / Richard LaRosa Mitigation of Anthropogenic Climate Change via a Macro-Engineering Scheme: Climate Modeling Results / Govindasamy Bala and Ken Caldeira A Dual Use for Space Solar Power / Ross N. Hoffman, John M. Henderson, George Modica, S. Mark Leidner, Christopher Grassotti and Thomas Nehrkorn Space Towers / Alexander A. Bolonkin Extreme Climate Control Membrane Structures / Richard B. Cathcart and Milan M. Cirkovic Cable Anti-Gravitator, Electrostatic Levitation and Artificial Gravity / Alexander A. Bolonkin Planetary Macro-Engineering Using Orbiting Solar Reflectors / Colin R McInnes Stellar Engines and the Controlled Movement of the Sun / Viorel Badescu and Richard B. Cathcart Macro-Engineering in the Galactic Context / Milan M. Cirkovic Index