Abstract: This study explores the concept of transactional distance, a term coined by Moore (1993), which relates to the distance that exists in all learning relationships and can be more evident and potentially problematic in online learning environments. Reducing this psychologically perceived distance to help learners develop social presence in support of collaborative relationships and the development of community in online learning environments is the purpose of this research. This study explores the concept of transactional distance, a term coined by Moore (1993), which relates to the distance that exists in all learning relationships and can be more evident and potentially problematic in online learning environments. Reducing this psychologically perceived distance to help learners develop social presence in support of collaborative relationships and the development of community in online learning environments is the purpose of this research. Icebreakers are fun activities that help people get to know each other. These activities can potentially ameliorate the perceived distance in online learning environments. Two author-developed icebreakers were used in a preliminary study involving university undergraduates and instructors in online environments. Respondents took part in an icebreaker at the start of a semester and at the mid-point after which they completed a questionnaire about perceived value of icebreakers. Early results were positive and have led to recommendations for practice. Resume: Cette etude porte sur le concept de distance transactionnelle, un terme invente par Moore (1993), qui s’applique a la distance qui existe dans toutes les relations d’apprentissage et qui peut etre plus apparent et eventuellement poser un plus grand nombre de problemes dans des environnements d’apprentissage en ligne. L’objet de la presente recherche consiste a reduire cette distance psychologique percue afin de permettre aux apprenants d’entretenir une presence sociale en appui aux relations conjointes ainsi que d’etablir une collectivite dans les environnement d’apprentissage en ligne. Les techniques d’amorce sont des activites amusantes qui aident les gens a faire connaissance. Ces activites peuvent parfois ameliorer la question de la distance percue dans des environnements d’apprentissage en ligne. Deux techniques d’amorce elaborees par des auteurs ont ete utilisees dans une etude preliminaire a laquelle participaient des etudiants universitaires et des instructeurs d’environnements en ligne. Les participants ont pris part a une technique d’amorce au debut du semestre ainsi qu’a la mi-semestre, apres quoi ils ont rempli un questionnaire sur la valeur percue des techniques d’amorce. Les resultats preliminaires etaient positifs et ils ont donne lieu a des recommandations portant sur leur mise en oeuvre.
Jim Hewitt.
Beyond Threaded Discourse
P. Kollock.
Sasha A. Barab,et al.
Online Learning: From Information Dissemination to Fostering Collaboration
D. Randy Garrison,et al.
Computer conferencing: the post‐industrial age of distance education
Namin Shin.
Transactional Presence as a Critical Predictor of Success in Distance Learning
D. Garrison,et al.
Assessing Social Presence In Asynchronous Text-based Computer Conferencing
E. Stacey.
Collaborative Learning in an Online Environment