Deep Belief Networks Based Voice Activity Detection

Fusing the advantages of multiple acoustic features is important for the robustness of voice activity detection (VAD). Recently, the machine-learning-based VADs have shown a superiority to traditional VADs on multiple feature fusion tasks. However, existing machine-learning-based VADs only utilize shallow models, which cannot explore the underlying manifold of the features. In this paper, we propose to fuse multiple features via a deep model, called deep belief network (DBN). DBN is a powerful hierarchical generative model for feature extraction. It can describe highly variant functions and discover the manifold of the features. We take the multiple serially-concatenated features as the input layer of DBN, and then extract a new feature by transferring these features through multiple nonlinear hidden layers. Finally, we predict the class of the new feature by a linear classifier. We further analyze that even a single-hidden-layer-based belief network is as powerful as the state-of-the-art models in the machine-learning-based VADs. In our empirical comparison, ten common features are used for performance analysis. Extensive experimental results on the AURORA2 corpus show that the DBN-based VAD not only outperforms eleven referenced VADs, but also can meet the real-time detection demand of VAD. The results also show that the DBN-based VAD can fuse the advantages of multiple features effectively.

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