Price effect analysis on electric vehicle charging networks in Jeju city

This paper conducts an analysis on the occupancy rate according to price level, distance to the closest free charger, and charger density, taking advantage of data archives acquired from an electric vehicle charging network currently operation in Jeju City. In hour-by-hour traces, the occupancy rates for 3 price groups, namely, free, medium-price, and expensive chargers, are almost evenly separated by about 9.0 %. The daily occupancy rate gap between free and non-free chargers reaches 13 %, while medium-price chargers catch up with free chargers for some tour seasons. The distance and density factors have not so much effect on the occupancy rate than expected, judging from the Pearson coefficient of 0.12 and 0.25, but free chargers are more frequently used in high-density areas. According to the analysis, we find out that a differentiated pricing policy is needed during the time interval between 12 PM to 18 PM, especially on the high charger density areas, to distribute charging demand and integrate with an appropriate reservation mechanism.