Towards Analyzing Some Kinds of Critically Formal Models for Network Security Protocols

In this paper, some kinds of critically formal models for security protocols, which have recently catched much researcher’s attentions, are analyzed in terms of their different modeling bases. They are categorized as four classes: The knowledge evolution system based models, the logic proof system supporting deducibility by means of rules based models, the algebraic calculating system based models, and the computing complexity theory based models. Corresponding to every class of models, an abstract framework is proposed. Under these frameworks, the representative models in every class are analyzed, and especially their advantages and disadvantages and the ways to improve them are discussed. These frameworks make model key components more clear, and make relationships between different models easily understandable. Authors also analyze the possible connection between distinct classes of models. Especially, authors use the way stemming from the class of model based on logic proof supporting deducibility by means of rules to improve Woo-Lam model. The analysis shows that the B model is very possible to be developed to be a model to unify all other classes of models.